How I got started with Git

16 Jan, 2016

I liked the idea of version control but as a beginner typing git commands wasn't intuitive so I used a GUI tool.

Git extensions

In order to get ideas about how revision control systems work, I have finally started trying one: it's called git. I am running Git Extensions on windows. It is a GUI interface for git and also comes bundled with a git installer, so it's all I needed to get started with git on my windows PC and start learning and practicing it. Using the GUI to use git on my own projects is really making my life a lot easier, as I am new to the whole idea of revision control and I am learning by using it.

Why use revision control system?

Problem solving or other Creative process usually involves incremental development where you start from a basic idea and then you keep building on it; you add, subtract and morph it on the way of the development and this recursive iterative process continues. This is where the revision control systems can really help us keep track of the overall development process and save us a lot of project management issues.